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>> Home >> California >> Fontana Childcare Providers >> Pam's Home Daycare-Happy Faces

Pam's Home Daycare-Happy Faces

Name:  Pam's Home Daycare-Happy Faces
Address:  17283 Lakeview Ct.
 Fontana, CA 92336
Phone:  (909) 823-5452

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13 years

Over 20 years experience interacting with children. -Maintain a professional relationship with parents. -Well organized with administrative daycare tasks bookkeeping /records. -Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. -Strength: Ability to remain calm under stressful daycare situations. -Highly dependable, flexible, accommodates times/schedules. -Maintain health and safety of the children. -Nurture and care for children. -Maintain a learning environment. -Organize and create daily activities/curriculum based on a child's interest/needs. -Communicate child's daily experiences/activities/development/growth to parents. -CPR/First Aide Certified-EMS Safety Services-San Bernardino County. -Over 40 units in Early Childhood Development Credits. -Associates in Arts-Early Childhood Development Degree. -Childhood Development Master Teacher Permit. -Continuous education pursuing Bachelor of Arts degree in the same field. -License number 364841397 -operational hours 4:00am- 6:00pm

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