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>> Home >> Illinois >> Lena Childcare Providers >> Robbie's Sunshine Daycare

Robbie's Sunshine Daycare

Name:  Robbie's Sunshine Daycare
Address:  621 N Fairway Dr
 Lena, IL 61048
Phone:  (815) 541-4208

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12 years

Sunshine Daycare believes that children learn best through play while being surrounded by a safe and nurturing environment. The children learn from the activities, environment, daily schedule, and from our conversations with them. The most important goal of our early childhood curriculum is to help children become enthusiastic learners while in small group sizes and low child/adult ratios to promote optimal development. The children learn how to gain self control and how to have confidence in themselves to succeed in life. We provide care to children ages six weeks to twelve years old without discrimination based on gender, religion, race, ethnic origin, nationality, or creed. We operate above the standards set by the state of Illinois for child care homes and constantly strive to achieve an ever increasing level of quality.

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