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>> Home >> Maryland >> Arnold Childcare Providers >> Placid Daycare

Placid Daycare

Name:  Placid Daycare
Address:  1022 Shore Acres Road
 Arnold, MD 21012
Phone:  (443) 995-0707

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2 months
12 years

I chose to run a Small Daycare of a max of 4 children so each child will have a better chance of learning and individual attention. 2 infants and 2 toddlers, not including my own 4yr old daughter. I believe in a relaxing atmosphere and each child having a better learning experience one on one which I do. I am not Licensed as a pre-school, but everything I have is about preparing each child for school and I use materials that help for in school children.

A little about me...

I have 6 children of my own, ages, 29, 28, 25, 23, 15, 4, and 2 grandchildren 8, 4, and one Due on Christmas Day which will be my 28yr old daughter and her husbands first child. "I Love ZUMBA!" A must try for anyone who needs their own time and space to relax for 1 hr... =) I go 2x a week. We love camping in the outdoors at our property in WV and boating when we can. I like to cook and incorporate in my Job also. Children love to help make food and is great to give them confidence in what they do and encourages independence and more.

I love taking the children to the Zoo or the playground, ect., weather permitting. I love doing projects with food to make eating healthy foods more fun.

I am a very outgoing 46yr old Mother/ Wife to my best friend and husband of 18yrs and to the best people in the world to me, my family and best friends. I take my job very seriously and treat my children in my Job as if they where my own! Children are our future and your gift and bundle of joy! I am CPR and FIRST AID Certified and completed my class in Emergency Preparedness Class in case of a threat of terrorism or Weather Threat in our area, ect. Our Safe Haven would be Broadneck High School

"A must every day"...Reading is crucial to learning. Music is a must for good rhythm, pattern, spirit, confidence, self esteem, happiness and beyond. I do Story-time with the children two times in a full day. One I choose and one they choose. I also add to our curriculum Music, Dance, rhythm, Patterns, (A Must) I always incorporate, Colors, ABC's, Numbers. as to Sensory, fine motor, logical thinking to our daily curriculum.

"Just to give you a idea how I add what they learn to a next level" -
I do matching sounds. Then with pictures and then as they get to understand them I then add words (Letter) sounds in writing to their visual and hearing "3 part "recognition" of all parts to help develop understanding of each word, sound and picture. As they continue and mature and understand those those 3 parts I would then go to definition stage 4. This is when the Logical comes to play as the Electrodes connect their basics to one another in the brain". See, Hear, Read, Understand what they hear and see and comprehend what it is, "all as a one".

I do not expect every child to learn equally. For each child has their own pace, level in time and personality. Learning and Patients and treating each child as a individual to me is the key to learning. For each individual child will have a better opportunity to have a successful future and a better chance of achieving in school, better outcome in life as their own individual and be independent.

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