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>> Home >> Pennsylvania >> Albrightsville Childcare Providers >> Kelly's Daycare Center

Kelly's Daycare Center

Name:  Kelly's Daycare Center
Address:  1718 Mountain Road
 Albrightsville , PA 18210
Phone:  (570) 643-0530

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Welcome to your child’s first classroom! We provide your children with first-class early development. We focus on children from infants to school age. We offer before and after school care. With bus service from the Pocono school district.

Write a Review for Kelly's Daycare Center
Review by Tracy on Sunday, March 23, 2008 at 4:05:32 PM
This is by far the most loving and caring child care center that I have had the pleasure of sending my youngest daughter to. I have two much older children that have attended other centers in the area and this is by far the cleanest, brightest and the largest. My daughter loves the school so much that she cries when the day has ended. The children in the center are all having a great time and have more than enough room to roam. Check them out after you have seen the other centers in the area. I'm sure you will agree with my reveiw once you see the center!!!!!!