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>> Home >> South Carolina >> Columbia Childcare Providers >> Conyers Early Learning Center

Conyers Early Learning Center

Name:  Conyers Early Learning Center
Address:  6000 Colonial Dr
 Columbia, SC 29203
Phone:  (803) 786-2902

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Review by Wykeria on Thursday, February 7, 2008 at 6:20:48 PM
I worked for Mrs Conyers some years ago. 2001 I beleive. However my experience there was so spirit filled. Mrs. Conyers takes pride in her job and her children. She is reallly driven at the fact that there is hope for every child. At Conyers Early Learning Center you are sure to get the essentials for your child or children that will take them to the next level. Rest assure they will be very well taken care of. Last but not least. She chooses her staff very carefully. When I was there we were more than a staff, we were a family. Mrs. Conyers represents a Godly character that is exemplified every time I see her. If you are looking for a DayCare there are many but if yo uare looking for a home away from home then Conyers Early Learning Center is the place. Wykeria Hendrix 08